In-Person/Hybrid meeting!

Do you know what to expect at your next Audiology appointment?

and rave reviews of a hearing assistive device.

Please join us! September 12 4 PM – 5 PM

Weingart Senior Center, 5220 Oliva, Lakewood


Virtual Chapter Meeting

Thursday, 9.10.20 6:30 pm

How are you handling masks, quarantine and staying sane?

November 14, 2019

Gloria Williams, Coordinator for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Support Services at CSULB

SEPTEMBER 12, 2019

Come to the Chapter meeting on September 12 and learn about the advances of Bluetooth technology and hearing aids.  Dr. David DeKriek, Au.D –  our Professional Advisor – will tell us about exciting new developments with the technology.  Come prepared with questions!  If there’s time, he will also be reviewing how to read our audiograms – by popular request.

Do your hearing aids use Bluetooth?  Do you use a separate device to connect your hearing aids to a tablet or your phone? Have you tried using Bluetooth and given up?    Tired of never having a private phone conversation because you have to use the speaker? Would you like to be able to have a phone call stream directly into your hearing aids?


April 11, 2019

March 14, 2019 – Gadgets! Gadgets! Gadgets!

Can’t hear your alarm in the morning? Worried about hearing your smoke alarm in the middle of the night? Would love to know if your Amazon package is at the door? No worries! Katie will bring various alerting devices for you to explore—doorbells, alarm clocks, phone ring flashers, soundsignalers, pagers—to name just a few. Come check them out!

Katie Wright is a past president of the Long Beach/Lakewood chapter of HLAA, and current Chair of their HAT (Hearing Assistive Technology) Committee and works with multiple other committees related to hearing loss and technology. She has worn hearing aids for almost 20 years and is passionate about helping others discover how technology can help them live better in a hearing world.

February 23, 2019 – Celebration of Life: Louise Hennessy Allen

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of one of our most active members, Louise Hennessy Allen.  Her Celebration of Life is set for Saturday, February 23, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Grand in Long Beach (4101 E. Willow Street).  Light refreshments will be served.  Please RSVP to or text/call 949-637-5898.  This is an open invitation to all of her HLAA friends.

February 14, 2019 Chapter Meeting 6:30 pm 

Let’s Go to the Movies!”

How long has it been since you went to the movies because of your hearing loss?  Did you know many of them have reclining seats? These days you can buy your tickets and even pick where you want to sit before you go.  Some will even deliver dinner to your seat!  Theaters are required now to provide listening devices but they can be confusing to use.  Come hear what kind of assistance there is, how to get it to work, what to do if it doesn’t …  and “Let’s Go to the Movies!”

Katie Wright is a past president of the Long Beach/Lakewood chapter of HLAA, and current Chair of their HAT (Hearing Assistive Technology) Committee and works with multiple other committees related to hearing loss and technology. She has worn hearing aids for almost 20 years and is passionate about helping others discover how technology can help them live better in a hearing world.

January 10, 2019 Chapter Meeting

Dr. David DeKriek, Au.D., our Professional Advisor, with be telling us all we ever wanted to know about our audiograms.  Bring yours with you!

December 17, 2018

A good time was had by all at our Holiday Party! We had a drawing for presents, an ice-breaker game and more than enough food.  Ellen Mathis shared with us her hearing loss story – her difficulties and her triumphs.

Join us for our next meeting on January 10!

December 13, 2018   COME JOIN US! 

We’re celebrating the Holiday season with a party!  Bring a dish to share or just show up! We have a game or two to play and good food to eat.  We’re starting a new part of our meetings; we plan to have someone take 5-10 minutes and tell their hearing story.

Then on the following Saturday is our last HAT demo for 2018.   If someone you know is struggling to hear even with hearing aids, come see some devices that might help.  Great Christmas present ideas!  We can help with face-to-face communication, watching TV or using a computer, or a device to let you know someone’s at the door.

November 8, 2018 Meeting Re-cap

We had a great presentation at our November Chapter meeting.  Dr. Gary Dorf, Au.D., spoke to us about “How Our Brain Works to Hear.”